JoliMarkdown Demo

This is an example paragraph with an example &lt;abbr&gt; tag for defining what is an <abbr title="Application Programming Interface">API</abbr>. And also with [a link](

The following tag is [<abbr title=”Broken abbr Tag>BROKEN</abbr>](/).

Example with a <abbr title="Wrongly Closed Abbr Tag">WCAT<abbr> (the closing tag misses the `/` char).
This is an example paragraph with an example &lt;abbr&gt; tag for defining what is an <abbr title="Application Programming Interface">API</abbr>. And also with [a link](

The following tag is [<abbr title="Broken abbr Tag">BROKEN</abbr>](/).

Example with a <abbr title="Wrongly Closed Abbr Tag">WCAT<abbr> (the closing tag misses the `/` char).</abbr></abbr>
<blockquote class="example" lang="en">
    <p>Some blockquote</p>
        <li>with a list</li>
        <li>and more</li>
{.example lang="en"}
> Some blockquote
> - with a list
> - and more
Paragraph 1


Paragraph 2


Paragraph 3

<hr />

Paragraph 4


Paragraph 5
Paragraph 1


Paragraph 2


Paragraph 3


Paragraph 4


Paragraph 5
<pre><code class="language-javascript">{
  "example": "example",
  "authors": [
    "John Appleseed <john at>"

<pre><code class="language-javascript">{
  "example": "example",
  "authors": [
    "John Appleseed &lt;john at;"
<pre><code class="language-javascript">{
  "example": "example",
  "authors": [
    "John Appleseed <john at="""">"

  "example": "example",
  "authors": [
    "John Appleseed <john at>"
<code> inline
Inline <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> tag.
Inline `<div>` tag.

Here is a &lt;div&gt; tag:

<div class="foo" style="color: red">
    Some paragraph text.

Some other paragraph text.

<article class="nested block elements">

over several lines
<span>should still work</span>


over several lines
<span>should still work</span>

Here is a &lt;div&gt; tag:

{.foo style="color: red"}
Some paragraph text.

Some other paragraph text.

<article class="nested block elements">
over several lines
<span>should still work</span>

over several lines should still work
* There was a footnote[^1],
* There was another one[^2].

There was a regular chapter.

There was an image ![](

[^1]: First footnote with a **bold text**
[^2]: Second footnote with a <a href="">Link inside</a>, not the last element of the footnote.
- There was a footnote[^1],
- There was another one[^2].

There was a regular chapter.

There was an image ![](

[^1]: First footnote with a **bold text**
[^2]: Second footnote with a [Link inside](, not the last element of the footnote.
HTML comments
<div style="text-align:center;">
<img src="" alt="Example" />
<!-- Some <strong>comment</strong> here -->

Some paragraph <!-- with a comment -->

A multiline

Some other paragraph.

Some paragraph<!-- with a comment -->
<!-- Some <strong>comment</strong> here -->

Some paragraph <!-- with a comment -->

A multiline

Some other paragraph.

Some paragraph<!-- with a comment -->
Some paragraph

<img src="/image.jpg" alt="example" />

Some other paragraph.

<img src=" a space.jpg" alt="example" />
Some paragraph


Some other paragraph.

[An example !](://

<a href=" non encoded url.html">example</a>

<a href="/">These are</a> <a href="/">two links</a> separated with a space.

<a href="/">This app</a><a href="/">ears to be</a> one link.
[An example !](/)


[These are](/) [two links](/) separated with a space.

[This app](/)[ears to be](/) one link.
## Some title

Here goes a paragraph.

<table class="table-class">
<th align="center">Are</th>
<th align="right">Cool</th>
<td>col 3 is</td>
<td align="center">right-aligned</td>
<td align="right">$1600</td>
<td>col 2 is</td>
<td align="center">centered</td>
<td align="right">$12</td>
<td>zebra stripes</td>
<td align="center">are neat</td>
<td align="right">$1</td>

The above array should be parsed back to a markdown array, then converted to a HTML one.
## Some title

Here goes a paragraph.

| Tables | Are | Cool |
| col 3 is | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is | centered | $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |

The above array should be parsed back to a markdown array, then converted to a HTML one.
This is a list:

* First Item <img hello="yolo" src="/media/image.jpg" alt="Some alternate text with multiple words and some Accents : é à ç" class="yolo" style="display: block;" />
* Second item
  * Item 2.1
  * Item 2.2
    * Item 2.2.1 <img hello="yolo" src="/media/image.jpg" alt="Some alternate text with multiple words and some Accents : é à ç" class="yolo" style="display: block;" />
  * Item 2.3

Some paragraph

<ul class="this-is-a-second-list">
    First item of the second list
    <ul class="this-is-another-list">
        <li>With an item</li>
  <li>Second item of the second list</li>

Some paragraph

* First Item

    <img hello="yolo" src="/media/image.jpg" alt="Some alternate text with multiple words and some Accents : é à ç" class="yolo" style="display: block;" />

* Second item

Some paragraph

<ul class="this-is-a-third-list">
    <p>First item <code>with code</code> and an image after this</p>
    <p><img hello="yolo" src="/media/image.jpg" alt="Some alternate text with multiple words and some Accents : é à ç" class="yolo" style="display: block;" /></p>
  <li>Second item of the second list</li>

Some paragraph

- A first list item
- Another one
- A last one
And it contains an additional sentence!
This is a list:

- First Item ![Some alternate text with multiple words and some Accents : é à ç](/media/image.jpg){hello="yolo" .yolo style="display: block;"}
- Second item
  - Item 2.1
  - Item 2.2
    - Item 2.2.1 ![Some alternate text with multiple words and some Accents : é à ç](/media/image.jpg){hello="yolo" .yolo style="display: block;"}
  - Item 2.3

Some paragraph

- First item of the second list
  - With an item
- Second item of the second list

Some paragraph

- First Item
  ![Some alternate text with multiple words and some Accents : é à ç](/media/image.jpg){hello="yolo" .yolo style="display: block;"}
- Second item

Some paragraph

- First item `with code` and an image after this
  ![Some alternate text with multiple words and some Accents : é à ç](/media/image.jpg){hello="yolo" .yolo style="display: block;"}
- Second item of the second list

Some paragraph

- A first list item
- Another one
- A last one
  And it contains an additional sentence!